You like getting where you want to go quickly, but that also means that you often speed. For the most part, you avoid tickets, but this time, you were going above the limit as you passed a highway trooper. Of course, you were speaking with the officer within minutes....
North Carolina Criminal Law Blog
What to do if accused of prescription fraud as a pharmacist
Dispensing drugs is a significant responsibility -- one you have undertaken with care for many years. However, you are a pharmacist, not a professional detective. You cannot be expected to spot every intent to attain pharmaceuticals illegally. Unfortunately, it...
How accurate are breathalyzer tests?
If you are pulled over for suspected drunk driving, more than likely the police will do three things: try to smell alcohol on your breath, have you perform a field sobriety test and have you take a breathalyzer test. U.S. police departments have used breathalyzers,...
A North Carolina DWI carries heavy penalties
Drivers in North Carolina understand the dangers of drinking and driving. This dangerous activity is illegal in all 50 states, and North Carolina delivers harsh penalties for those found driving while intoxicated (DWI). Knowing how North Carolina lawmakers issue DWI...