Many people, when given a speeding ticket, assume that they simply have to pay. They don’t even consider their options. They just cut the check, no matter how difficult it is to afford such a sudden expense, and hope it doesn’t happen again. The truth, though, is...
North Carolina Criminal Law Blog
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What is theft by false pretenses in North Carolina?
One of the lesser-known theft charges you can face in North Carolina is “obtaining property by false pretenses,” or OPFP. At minimum, this crime is a Class H felony. If the value of the money, services or assets that were stolen through false pretenses exceeds...
Cognitive distractions contribute to North Carolina car accidents
Cautious drivers watch other motorists for signs of distracted driving. For example, when you see a nearby driver looking at a device or adjusting the radio, you know to be extra careful. Unfortunately, some distractions are less easy to notice. Cognitive or mental...