A conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) can come with consequences that could make life difficult for years to come. Court-imposed fines plus insurance hikes will hit your bank balance. Jail time could lead to emotional trauma for you and your...
North Carolina Criminal Law Blog
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The massive, hidden penalty you face for a DWI charge
Those accused of driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses in North Carolina have to worry about substantial penalties. After a conviction or a guilty plea, a driver facing a DWI charge could end up in jail, subject to community service requirements, bound by probation...
Can you get a drug conviction expunged?
Everyone makes mistakes. However, those mistakes can lead to a criminal record for some people. A drug charge or conviction in your past can make a fresh start difficult. If you are convicted of a drug offense in North Carolina, you may be wondering if there is any...