Getting arrested on a drug distribution charge is a serious event. At the least, you could face hefty fines and community restrictions. At worst, you could lose years of your life to a prison sentence. Entrapment does occur, but it can be notoriously challenging to...
North Carolina Criminal Law Blog
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What you should know about drug schedules
The consequences of illegal drug possession could be incarceration, fines and a criminal record. Yet some drugs are legal, and not all illegal drugs are equal in the eyes of the law. The penalties, if convicted of a drug crime, can vary in accordance with the...
2 common myths that won’t help you pass a breath test
A chemical test is used by the police to evaluate the blood alcohol content in someone’s body. People have the option to do a blood or urine test, but most people will take a breath test. A breath test, or breathalyzer is a small, portable device that police may...