If you have preexisting conditions, you can experience complications on your personal injury claims in North Carolina. Insurance companies often use these conditions to lower your compensation. However, the "eggshell plaintiff" rule and intelligent strategies can...
North Carolina Criminal Law Blog
Which traffic violations can you waive in North Carolina?
Facing a traffic violation can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time. Several factors can affect your decision to contest or waive the offense. For many, the uncertainty of a court decision and a desire to avoid attending court are compelling reasons to...
Is it illegal to share your prescription medication?
Sharing prescription medication may seem harmless, but it is illegal. Many people are unaware of the serious legal consequences that can arise from this seemingly benign act. As in many other states, sharing prescription medication can lead to significant legal...
Ways to deal with a drug trafficking accusation
A drug trafficking allegation can be frightening and the legal repercussions can be severe. Even if you are wrongfully charged, the justice system may be intimidating and lead to life-changing consequences. Remember, you have rights, and there are steps you can take...
Drug paraphernalia laws in North Carolina: More serious than you think
What do you think of when you hear the term drug offenses? You might think that it refers to the possession, use and sale of controlled substances. While not wrong, drug offenses can also refer to the possession and use of drug paraphernalia. In North Carolina, the...
Is peeping a crime?
Respecting other’s personal space and privacy is standard. However, curiosity about others, the search for sexual gratification or the thrill of doing something forbidden could drive a person to overstep boundaries. Regardless of the motivation, secret peeping is a...
Is it legal to record the police officer if I am pulled over?
Nowadays, people are quick to take a video on their phone and share it online when something goes wrong. Given the numerous claims of unlawful police behavior, recording interactions with law enforcement seems like a natural response. While the First Amendment gives...
Can my car rental company have me thrown in jail?
Over the past few years, there have been many news stories about customers who were sent to jail after a dispute with a rental car company. North Carolina residents may wonder if a car rental company send them to jail here too? The not-entirely-satisfying answer to...