People often associate the crime of solicitation with prostitution. The people who pay others to engage in prostitution are guilty of solicitation. However, solicitation can apply to virtually any type of crime.
To be guilty of solicitation, a person must request, persuade or demand that someone else commit a crime and they must intend to participate in the crime in some way. That doesn’t mean they have to be present for the actual crime. They just need to have somehow been involved in facilitating it. In fact, the crime doesn’t even have to be committed for someone to be charged with solicitation.
For example, if someone hires a hitman to kill their spouse, tells them when their spouse will be home and gives them the security code to the house, that’s solicitation. That’s the case even if the hitman backs out of the job, can’t find the intended victim or only wounds them.
What are the penalties under North Carolina law?
The penalties for solicitation vary considerably, based largely on the seriousness of the crime in question. For example, under North Carolina law, a person who solicits a felony is typically considered guilty of a felony one to two classes lower than the actual crime. Solicitation can also be a misdemeanor offense.
Fighting solicitation charges
Solicitation charges often involve the claim of one person that someone solicited them to commit a crime. However, they may have texts, emails, wire transfers or other evidence to back up their claims. They may have information, like the security code mentioned above, that there would be no other reason for them to have.
Solicitation charges can be tricky ones to fight due to the nature of the crime. That’s why if you or a loved one is facing these charges, it’s wise to seek experienced legal guidance.