In North Carolina, firing a gun at any property – such as a building, vehicle, aircraft, watercraft, or any other enclosed structure – is a crime. It’s reckless behavior that endangers the lives of those inside the structure, and a conviction for the offense leads to...
North Carolina Criminal Law Blog
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How a sex offender registry can affect your life
A conviction for sex offenses can result in incarceration and hefty fines. However, there is also the possibility of registering as a sex offender after serving a prison sentence. This involves having your information and offenses accessible to the public. If avoiding...
Is it safe to sleep off a few drinks in a car in North Carolina?
The average adult struggles to accurately gauge their own chemical impairment. People frequently do not realize how drunk they are until someone else points out their symptoms. Even those who recognize that they have had too much to drink may find themselves in a very...